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Find Your Happy Daily Mantras

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras | Shannon Kaiser

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras: 365 Days of Motivation for a Happy, Peaceful, and Fulfilling Life

I should say that I’m skipping around this book rather than ‘reading’ it from front to back.
After personally working with Shannon, I bought her Find Your Happy Daily Mantras book. If you have ever joined my Monday Intention Setting on Insight Timer, you know one of my favorite ways to prompt my own journaling is to use an oracle card deck (my favorite is Angel Blessings).
As with my experience with an oracle card deck, I always seem to open the page in Find Your Happy to the insightful mantra I need to hear in that moment. Each daily topic is uplifting and empowering and always perfect for me. The journaling prompt always leads me to greater self-awareness and observation of the world around me.