5 Ways to Build Authentic Connections
We all create a variety of relationships in our lives: some will last for decades, and others might only last for the length of a plane flight. Some complain that they don’t have time for an authentic connections or friendships,
An Attitude of Gratitude
With the holidays looming ahead, the days can be a struggle for people who deal with mental health issues. The stress of family celebrations, gift-giving, or the hardship that might come with being alone over the holidays, can all make
3 of the Best Ways for Authentic Journaling
Being authentic in our busy, packed-to-the-gills schedules can make being mindful and fully present a challenge. Along with all the things that can bring anxiety and sorrow. While being authentic is a lifelong journey, there are times when it is easier
It’s Not Time for a “New You”
Sometimes New Year's resolutions are fun — a fresh start and setting new goals for a 'new you' can be invigorating and inspirational! Well, for some it can be fun. For others, the whole self-improvement mindset and industry can feel a little
Staying True to You: Tips Toward Authenticity
The month of October is about seasonal change and, for some of us, that includes the holiday of Halloween. Wearing a costume and taking on a different role can be a liberating experience this time of year. And that’s truly
Authentic Generosity: Knowing When to Give or Receive
“From what I've seen, it isn't so much the act of asking that paralyzes us — it's what lies beneath: the fear of being vulnerable, the fear of rejection, the fear of looking needy or weak. The fear of being