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Abuse Recovery

This meditation will assist you to detach and release toxic ties. Connect with your Higher Self to lovingly release energetic cords along with any negative past, emotions, or attachments. Each experience creates an energetic cord that keeps you connected to the experience

This practice assists you in preparing for those moments when you cannot have no contact with toxic personalities such as narcissists. Becoming Grey Rock allows you to establish boundaries. Use this time to take back your power and energy. Insight Timer YouTuBe

Questa meditazione ti incoraggia a liberare le paure suggerite dal dubbio personale causato dall'abuso emotivo narcisistico. Pratica l'amor proprio e la cura lasciando andare la paura del cambiamento e lascia che la luce dentro di te brilli luminosa. Abbandona la

When recovering from narcissistic abuse, going No Contact is an important part of healing.By letting go and taking responsibility, you can heal your unhealed wounds. When you are a full and healthy Source to yourself, you no longer give energy

Emotions create vibration. When we are manipulated through narcissistic emotional abuse, our self doubt and fear blocks our emotional vibrations. This practice reassures you as you accept these self-limiting beliefs as an opportunity for growth and healing. As you embrace